
Only the lonely

 Only those who have lived with a long term illness, know that you don’t want to be remembered as being sick. Sickness makes you a lousy friend, terrible daughter, horrible sister and a lousy wife. You want to be known for being vibrant, energized and happy. In my case, it’s not my children or career that I want to be known for. (I have neither.)

Instead, I’d like to be known for being kind. It might even  be too late for that. 



 Do you live by a motto or creed? Do you have a personal rule that governs your life? 

Personally, I try to live by kindness. If there’s an opportunity to be nice or do something kind, I take it. From complimenting strangers to buying coffee to the next person in line. 

I never had a career and I don’t have children. I have regret and I’m broken. 
So, let me be known for being kind. Even if that’s all I’m good at, It’s really not a bad thing at all. 

Worse than?

 When I don’t hear from you, 

I tend to think the worst. 

Today wasn’t like yesterday

 Saturday July 30th. Jim and I are spending the weekend at Kym and Kristen’s house. Their house is beautiful and the puppies adorable. 

Mom, Dad, Kym & Kristen, Kristi, Guy, Addie and Sammie, My light and I went to the Hudson River. 

Dad, Guy and myself went fishing. I fished off the docks and I got the most bites! I used a grey and black rubber fish with a white tail. The girls went paddle boarding, mom stayed back on the bench and watched. 

 Mom then went looking for water chestnuts! How cool is that? All of us have our issues, but it’s our issues that make us who we are and I like us. 

I have such a neat family. It’s days like this that I wish would never end. A blue sky with a few poofy clouds, slight breeze and about 86 degrees. 

I want to remember days like this. So that even if I forget today happened, my words will be a happy reminder. 


Harming or Is it Charming?

My memories are haunting and I wish it wasn’t so, but February has always been about valentines day. 

Remember- “Demons can charm you for awhile…”


It blurs

 Each day turns into the next, there’s no warning there’s no change. Days slip into the next. Blurred or my vision is cloudy. 

People stopped paying attention and the days blur. It used to be I had something to look forward too.  

I can’t eat, I can’t walk, no one talks to me

  It’s a blur 


Gladly pay you Tuesday for hamburger today

I am starving.
Cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, real bread. Good pasta...
Sandwiches and cakes, potato chips and my favorite soup. Heck, soup crackers. My thoughts are of food.
Gastroparesis is no joke. I am 100% full after one bite
No gluten
No dairy
No capscaicin (no black pepper, no chili pepper)

It’s maddening to be this hungry
I’m down to 130
And yes my spelling sucks
It’s 5am.
Who cares I just want a sandwich

Only the lonely

 Only those who have lived with a long term illness, know that you don’t want to be remembered as being sick. Sickness makes you a lousy fri...